Major increase in switching electricity suppliers

Article posted

20th Jul 2023

Read time

3-5 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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Recently there has been a huge increase in the number of consumers switching as energy prices have become more competitive over the first half of 2023.  Over 170,000 businesses and households switched their energy contracts last month. This is 20,000 more than in May.

This is up 77% compared to last year when we saw a huge spike in energy prices. Although the amount of people switching is rising as the energy market balances, it is still not anywhere near the level that it was pre- covid.

Why do consumers switch suppliers?

Consumers switch energy suppliers for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is due to better deals, prices or customer service offered by new suppliers. For example, a consumer might switch suppliers if they find that another company offers a lower energy rate or discounted rates during certain times of the day. Additionally, customers may also switch suppliers if they have experienced poor customer service or if their existing contract is coming to an end.

The increase in switching also reflects the continued transformation of the energy market. As more renewable sources are adopted, customers can benefit from new and innovative products such as smart meters that help them manage their usage and cost. With these changes, customers may be looking for better value energy deals with new suppliers.


What are the benefits of switching?

Benefits of switching include:

  • Lower energy rates and more competitive prices.
  • Access to new products such as smart meters for better usage management.
  • Improved customer service from a new supplier.
  • Opportunity to take advantage of discounts during certain times of the day.
  • Ability to benefit from renewable sources and innovative products in the market.


How Resolve Energy could help your business switch on your next renewal

At Resolve Energy, we understand that with the changing energy market, businesses may be looking to switch to a new supplier. That’s why we have relationships with all of the top suppliers in the UK, making it easier than ever for businesses to find the best energy deals.

Our experienced team will work closely with you to understand your business’s energy needs and then help you find the right deal for your business.

We also provide ongoing support and advice on any changes in the market, helping you stay ahead of trends and make the most of your energy contract.

Whether you’re looking to switch energy suppliers or just want an expert opinion on which supplier is best for your business, Resolve Energy can help you make the right decision for your energy needs. Get in touch today to start saving money on your energy bills.

If you're looking to save money on your energy bills then why not get in touch today? The relationships Resolve Energy has developed with over 24 of the UK’s biggest business energy suppliers allows our energy experts to source the best business energy rates available for your company right when you need them. Request a free quote today and start saving money on your energy.

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