Resolve Energy News

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We strive to deliver
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service and support

Resolve Energy was founded in 2011 by a board of directors with more than 30 years’ experience behind them in the sector. The vision is to provide our clients with the very best service, empowering them with the knowledge and support to get the best possible deals tailored for their individual business energy needs.

Small businesses seek help with standing charges

Small businesses seek help with standing charges

Across the UK, many small businesses panicked due to the rise in standing charges. In response to this growing outcry, Ofgem, the energy regulator, has launched a consultation into standing charges, offering a glimmer of hope for struggling businesses. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) reports that over 57% of members see utilities as a major cost driver, with standing charges...

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Businesses in the UK in for an  energy price shock

Businesses in the UK in for an  energy price shock

The green revolution is upon us, and while renewable energy promises a cleaner future, it may come with a hidden cost for consumers: rising third-party energy charges. These charges, tucked away in your energy bill alongside the cost of the actual electricity, cover the infrastructure and programs supporting the transition to renewables. While the long-term benefits are undeniable,...

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Ensure switching energy suppliers goes smoothly

Ensure switching energy suppliers goes smoothly

With the start of a new year, right now is the perfect time for your business to start thinking about renewing your next energy contract. However, blindly renewing with the same company could be a huge mistake. Why not take advantage of switching to a brand-new supplier with better benefits? We know the switching process can be daunting, but with this guide you can ensure you have a simple and...

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Businesses need energy help - Find out why

Businesses need energy help - Find out why

The flames of instability crackle in the Red Sea, threatening to boil over into a full-blown energy crisis for the UK. Attacks disrupt the flow of oil and gas, casting a long shadow on an already fragile economy. Right now the expertise of energy consultants could massively help your business. The perfect storm brews: Disrupted Flows: The Red Sea, a vital artery for energy transportation,...

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How electricity storage could help businesses

How electricity storage could help businesses

In the UK the government is wrestling with the complex challenge of transitioning to clean energy while ensuring reliable and affordable electricity. As renewable sources like solar and wind take center stage, their inherent intermittency becomes an issue. The sun doesn't always shine, and the wind doesn't always blow, leaving a glaring question – what happens when the renewable...

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 New oil licenses and UK energy security

New oil licenses and UK energy security

The UK government's recent decision to issue new oil exploration licenses in the North Sea has reignited a simmering debate: can domestic fossil fuel production truly enhance the nation's energy security? Proponents argue it's a vital safety net against volatile global markets, while critics claim it's a short-sighted distraction from the real path to security – renewable energy....

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