A guide to energy prices for schools

Article posted

7th Jun 2024

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3-5 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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Energy costs and educational concerns

Schools face unique challenges when it comes to energy consumption. Balancing comfortable learning environments with tight budgets can be a constant struggle. Recent energy price hikes have exacerbated this issue, putting a strain on already stretched resources.

Understanding how energy prices work and how to optimise consumption can be a complex task. This guide will provide a basic overview and introduce the valuable role of energy consultants in helping schools save money.

Understanding energy bills

School energy bills typically consist of two main components:

  • Unit rates: The cost per unit of energy consumed (usually pence per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for electricity and pence per therm for gas).
  • Standing charges: A fixed daily fee charged by the supplier, regardless of usage.

These costs can fluctuate depending on the global energy market and the specific contract a school has with its supplier.


Why schools struggle with energy costs

  • Large buildings: Schools require a lot of energy to maintain comfortable temperatures, light classrooms, and power equipment.
  • Limited control: School hours often coincide with peak energy usage times, leading to potentially higher unit rates.
  • Budgetary constraints: Schools often have limited budgets and may not have the expertise to negotiate the best energy deals.



How energy consultants can Help

Energy consultants specialise in helping organisations reduce their energy consumption and costs. Here's how they can benefit schools:

  • Market analysis: Consultants can analyse historical energy usage and current market trends to identify the most cost-effective energy suppliers and pricing structures for a school's specific needs.
  • Energy audits: A comprehensive audit can pinpoint areas where a school is wasting energy. This could include inefficient lighting systems, outdated HVAC equipment, or even faulty appliances.
  • Conservation strategies: Consultants can recommend tailored strategies to reduce energy consumption, such as implementing LED lighting, improving insulation, or promoting behavioural changes among staff and students.
  • Renewable Energy solutions: Exploring renewable options like solar panels can provide long-term cost savings and environmental benefits.
  • Grant and Rebate opportunities: Consultants can help identify government grants or rebates available to offset the cost of energy-efficiency upgrades.


Investing in an energy consultant: A wise decision

While working with an energy consultant might seem daunting, the potential savings can be significant. Schools can recoup their investment quickly through reduced energy bills.


By optimising energy use, schools can:

  • Free up valuable budgetary resources for core educational activities.
  • Create a more comfortable and sustainable learning environment.
  • Set a positive example for students about responsible energy use.

In conclusion, navigating the complexities of energy prices can be challenging for schools. But with the help of a qualified energy consultant, schools can take control of their energy consumption and create a more sustainable and cost-effective future.

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