Depending on the energy supplier, and type of energy product, the non-commodity costs may be seperated from the commodity costs and shown on your invoice as a seperate line or simply included in the overall unit rates.
The non-commodity costs comprise of government originated charges and third party system charges. Examples of the government originated charges are as Feed in Tariff (FiT), Electricity Market Reform (EMR) and Renewables Obligation (RO). Examples of third party system charges are Distribution Use of System (DUoS), Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) and Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS).
Unfortunately all of these costs have risen over the past few years. Depending on the individual charge, they are either forecast to continue rising or actually set in stone to be higher over the coming months and years.
The tables below illustrate the main charges and their fluctuation.
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